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HOPE-ful-News 27th Edition
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Always on saturdays there is big market day in Lalibela and we bought 11 sheeps ordered via our Online Charity Market. Our sponsorships have choosen sheeps on their own and finally all went home with the sheep of their own- happy and thankfully. To own a sheep is more we can ever consider-. for the most of them it`s a wish never becoming true in their lives. So therefore many thanks is going to all sheep-buyers! You made more than the day for some of our sponsorships, you made them really happy with your order. At least in our Online Charity Market was ordered a herd of sheeps in total and we will buy again some for our sponsorships. https://hope-for-ethiopia.my-online.store/

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Desta Bimrew and her three kids had real hardship whole year. They had to change the house due to raising rent four times. Desta is suffering on Diabetes and HIV. Visting her she was using a cane having big problems about balance and weakness. As a whole the financial situation of Desta is critical, especially because she needs medication too. For Timkat it`s tradition to buy new clothes, so therefore we decided because of the very hardship of Desta and her kids to pass on today at Timkat some of the free donations to her and her family. It was possibel to get new clothes, shoes and socks for all of them. Furthermore we bought soap, washing powder and hair oil and gave her money for a  market shopping for the family and passed on another 300 Birr for medication. From deepest of her heart Desta was giving thanks to all sponsors making Timkat a real feast for her and her family. In this concern many thanks is going to Daniela Buch, Antje Fährmann and Conny Pöllmann- especially from us too.

Sheeps for our sponsorships

Delivery of online orders out of our Charity Market

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Marketday in Lalibela
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Emebet Asmare is checking sheeps
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Emebet and Johanse found already a sheep
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Family Wubru Gebrie got a sheep too
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Our old Lady Fentaye got a sheep too
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A neighbour buying the sheep for Enanu and Granddaughter Yesera
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Mulu and her son Biruk did choose a brown/white one
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Emebet Mulu with her sheeps

Market Shopping via our Online Charity Market

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Via our Online Charity Market several market orders took place in the last months. Some market shoppings were ordered and it was possibel to pass on to 13 of our sponsorships vegtables, spices, coffee, oil, salt, shiro powder, charcoal and candles for present- bringing them a lot of joy at the day of Ethiopian Christmas on the 7th of january. So therefore some of them had a real nice feast with rich tables. Great Thanks for your orders going to the poorest of the poor in Lalibela! https://hope-for-ethiopia.my-online.store/




27th Edition Newsletter - Hope for Ethiopia - 31st of january 2019

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Melkam Timkat

A special day for Desta and her kids

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